Sperm Jokes / Recent Jokes

Why did the gay guy who worked at the sperm bank get fired?
He was caught drinking on the job.

A Polish women knocks at the door of the sperm bank. A man answers the door and asks, "May I help you?" She says, carefully holding her head back and gargling slightly, "I have a deposit to make".

Why does it take 1 million sperm to fertilize one egg?
They don't stop and ask for directions.

What do men and sperm have in common?
They both have a one-in-a-million chance of becoming a human being.

An old couple was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office when the nurse came out and said, “Mr. Jones, the doctor told me that he needs you to give a urine sample, a stool sample and a sperm sample before he examines you. ” The old man looked up at the nurse, cupped his right ear and said, “What did you say? ” The nurse came a little closer and said very loudly, “We’re going to need you to give a urine sample, a stool sample and a sperm sample, Mr. Jones. ” The old man leaned forward and said, “What did you say, young lady? ”, then turning to his wife next to him he shouted, “what’d she say? ” His wife leaned over and shouted in his ear, “She said she wants your shorts! ”

These two sperm were swimmin' around, doin' their thing and one sperm asks the other...Hey, are we almost there??? Is this the fallopian tube??? Sperm #2 says "Naaaa this is still the esophagus".

Once upon a time in a place where little sperms grow, there was a super jock sperm who spent all his time working out. He did things like lifting weights and running, his most important duty. All the other sperm were very curious about his pastimes."Why do you keep working out all the time," they asked."Well," he said, "Of all us sperms, only one of us is going to make it to the egg. And that is going to be me." Well, the other sperms just floated around waiting for the day to cum (pardon the expression). And it did, and they were off! All those sperms racing along and far out in front of them was the super jock sperm, racing so fast and so hard (ha HA ) that they couldn't see him any more, but they still kept cumming.Alas, then, away in the distance, they heard a loud piercing scream. They still kept cumming though.And then very shortly the super sperm appeared, screaming with all his might, "Go back, Go Back! IT'S A BLOW JOB!"