Arresting Jokes / Recent Jokes

This is an original composition in response to a debate on affirmative
action in can.politics.
Jan 20, 1989 Edmonton.
In a morning press conference, Minister of Justice Ed Dirk announced
that his ministry will be adopting an affirmative action program.
"Men have traditionally constituted the vast majority of inmates in
Canadian prisons," he explained, "and we can not find any conclusive
genetic or hormonal basis for this." In attempt to correct the imbalance,
the corrections department will be implementing the following programs:
o Early release of some male prisoners.
o A compulsory course for all judges detailing a sentencing policy
that will yield a more gender-balanced prison population.
o An "equality based arrest policy" that basically consists of
arbitrarily arresting women.
It is this third provision which has raised the most controversy.
Tracey Smith, spokesperson for the Constructive more...