Articles Jokes / Recent Jokes

Posts empty articles to Usenet, and enjoys rereading them later.
Prefers three left turns to one right turn.
Pressure’s up, but there’s a slow leak somewhere.
Produces a zero-length core dump.
Proof God has a sense of humor.
Proof of Einstein’s theory that there is no limit to human stupidity.
Proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
Put a lens in each ear and you’ve got a telescope.
Puts a finger in his ear so the draft through his head isn’t annoying.
Putting his brain on the edge of a razor blade would be like putting a pea on a six lane highway.
Qualifies for the mental express line - five thoughts or less. - MacNelly
Quotes entire letters/articles as responses and hides her one line of wisdom in the middle.
Racing fifty yards with a pregnant woman, he’d come in third.
Reading from an empty/blank/unformatted disk.
Reads her newspaper back-to-front.

The other day I was scanning the food sections of three newspapers – the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Boston Globe. All had articles on Middle Eastern cuisine, albeit from different cultural demographics. The Times focused on the Sephardic Jewish cooking, the Post on the foods prepared by the Catholic and Orthodox populations, and the Globe went for the Ramadan meals for Muslims.

And guess what – the Jews, Christians and Muslims were all eating the same thing! In fact, all three articles interviewed people from the same part of the region (the Syrian city of Aleppo).

To which I say to these groups: Just go into a kitchen together and start cooking – you’ll see how much you genuinely have in common. Forget about sending Condi Rice to the Middle East...send Rachael Ray and have her get the warring parties around a stove. We’d have both peace and dinner in less than 30 minutes!

Posts empty articles to Usenet, and enjoys rereading them later.

Prefers three left turns to one right turn.

Pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere.

Produces a zero-length core dump.

Proof God has a sense of humor.

Proof of Einstein's theory that there is no limit to human stupidity.

Proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.

Put a lens in each ear and you've got a telescope.

Puts a finger in his ear so the draft through his head isn't annoying.

Putting his brain on the edge of a razor blade would be like putting a pea on a six lane highway.

Qualifies for the mental express line -- five thoughts or less. -- MacNelly

Quotes entire letters/articles as responses and hides her one line of wisdom in the middle.

Racing fifty yards with a pregnant woman, he'd come in third.

Reading from an empty/blank/unformatted disk.

Reads her more...

Posts empty articles to Usenet, and enjoys rereading them later. Prefers three left turns to one right turn. Pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere. Produces a zero-length core dump. Proof God has a sense of humor. Proof of Einstein's theory that there is no limit to human stupidity. Proof that evolution CAN go in reverse. Put a lens in each ear and you've got a telescope. Puts a finger in his ear so the draft through his head isn't annoying. Putting his brain on the edge of a razor blade would be like putting a pea on a six lane highway. Qualifies for the mental express line -- five thoughts or less. -- MacNelly Quotes entire letters/articles as responses and hides her one line of wisdom in the middle. Racing fifty yards with a pregnant woman, he'd come in third. Reading from an empty/blank/unformatted disk. Reads her newspaper back-to-front. Reads Homer in the original Greek, but doesn't know Greek. Ready to check in at the HaHa Hilton. Ready to join the Anti-Mensa more...

Abe and Moishe had a religious goods store on Delancey Street on the Lower East Side of NYC. The neighborhood was changing. The Jews were moving to Westchester and the Puerto Ricans were moving in."Abe, we have to move to Westchester," said Moishe."We can't. This neighborhood is our life. We've been here for 33 years. Maybe we can start stocking Catholic articles too.""What? Catholic articles? Bis du in gantzen meshuggeh? We're Jews. No Catholic articles!"Well, a month passed and they sold nothing but two tallesim, three mezzuzahs and one set of tefillin. Now was the time to fish or cut bait.Moishe agreed that they had to stock Catholic articles, so he said to Abe, "OK, call that Catholic supply house on Park Avenue."Abe: "Hello, Catholic supply house on Park Avenue? This is Abe and Moishe's on Delancey Street. We want 100 autographed pictures of the Pope, 200 of those beads - what you call them, Rosaries? - and 500 crucifixes...and I need more...