Backstreet Jokes / Recent Jokes

The Backstreet Boys response to "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Brian: I think the chicken HAD to cross the road. Why? Ah, that's the REAL secret. *Jim Carrey voice* Well alrighty then....

AJ: The chicken is the wave of the future. *sniff* Where's he going today? I hate chickens, they freak me out.*sniff*

Howie:' Cause he's back! *wink*, and stuff like that, and crossed the street! and stuff like that! *wink* And he's a chicken! and stuff like that.

Kevin: (slowly) I don't know, but he's on te-le-vi-sion. Cool, he's got his own show. He's my cousin, you know.

Nick: Um, basically the chicken, you see, when the uh the chicken? Yeah, the chicken. When he crosses the road, he, really, he has his own flavor. Pretty much he resigns across the road. Resigns? Oh, I'm sorry! I mean resides. The chicken is just as f**king crazy as me and Brian.