Deer Jokes / Recent Jokes
A Cowboy was going deer hunting.. His blonde wife said she was going with him.. That they never did anything together.. So, they went.. He put her in a stand by herself.. Later in the morning he heard her shoot.. He went over to her stand and she was pointing her rifle at a guy with a cowboy hat on.. The guy was telling her, Ma'mm, you can have the deer you shot.. I just want to take my saddle off of him!
what do you call a deer wit no eyez?...i hav no eye deer!!
what do you call a deer wit no eyez or legs?...i still hav no eye deer!!
Three economists are out deer hunting one day when they see a huge buck in the clearing in front of them. The first economist takes aim with his rifle and fires. The bullet goes flying by the deer, about 20 feet in front of it.
The second economist decides to give it a try. He takes aim and shoots. The bullet goes flying by the deer, this time about 20 feet behind the deer.
At this point, the third economist starts jumping up and down, overcome with joy, yelling: WE GOT IT! WE GOT IT!!
What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No eye deer.
What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
Still no eye deer.
What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No eye deer.
What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
Still no eye deer.
what do you call a deer with no eyes, no legs and no skin?
Two men were out hunting in the woods. One of them was a fanatical huntsman and he went hunting as often as he could.
The other was his friend who is a peaceful nature loving fellow, who didn't really want to hurt anything.
They had been out in the woods for some time, when they picked up the tracks of a deer. They soon caught up with it, and when they saw it, it was obvious why it had been so easy to catch up to - it had a terrible infection over it's left eye, which it couldn't even see out of.
The hunter started to take aim with his shotgun, but his friend begged him to stop.
Hey! he said, "Can't you see that's a bad eye deer?"