Entertained Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Three hookers are comparing notes about their customers from the night before.

    "I entertained a cowboy last night", says the first.

    "How did you know he was a cowboy?", asks the second.

    "Well, he wore a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and kept both the hat and the boots on all the time we were together."

    "Sounds like a cowboy, all right." the others say.

    "I entertained a lawyer," announces the second. "I could tell because he wore a three piece suit and packed a briefcase. He wore the vest of the suit and hung on to the briefcase all the time."

    They agree he sounded like a lawyer.

    "I had a dirt farmer for a client," comments the third.

    "How could you possibly know he was a dirt farmer?" she is asked.

    "First he complained it was too dry, then he whined it was too wet, then he asked if he could pay me in the more...

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