Fatman Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Ok. This kid has to learn the first two letters of th alphabet so goes to his little brother who was watching batman so the kid asks "
    little bro what's the first letter of the alphabet?"
    and his brother sings "
    dunnadunnalunnalunna BATMAN!!!"
    and then the kid goes to his other friend and says "
    what's the second letter of the alphabet?"
    and his friend says "
    dunnadunnalunnalunna FATMAN!!!"
    so the next day the kid goes to school and says "
    the first letter of the alphabet is dunnadunnalunnalunna BATMAN!!!"
    and his teacher tells him to go to the princeable. and at the princeable's office the princeable asks "
    who do you think I AM???!!!"
    and the kid sings out "

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