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(I've heard this story several times, but I'm damned if I can
remember who these Generals were. Nevertheless, here goes:)
Two Generals of the Napoleanic era were watching a battle from a
nearby bluff. Suddenly, a stray bullet struck one of them in the
shoulder. Without an instants' pause, he turned to his aide - "Fetch
me my red jacket," he commanded. As the aide rushed to comply, he
turned to the other General, and explained that he didn't want the
men to be demoralized by knowing he was wounded.
The other General was clearly impressed. At that moment, a
cannonball shrieked between them, the wind from its' passing rocking
them both back on their heels. After a moment, the second General
turned to his aide, and ordered, "Fetch me my brown trousers... "
= Martin A. Lodahl Pac Bell Minicomputer Operations Support Staff =