Fruedian Jokes / Recent Jokes
Two fellows were talking in a bar when the first fellow says "Hey, what you just said was a Fruedian slip!"
The second fellow said "What? I don't know what you mean"
The first fellow said "You know, when you say what you are thinking instead of what you wanted to."
The second fellow says "I still don't know what you mean..."
So the first fellow says "You know, like when you are standing at an airline ticket counter being helped by a beautiful buxom blonde and you say 'I'd like two pickets to Titsburg"
The second fellow says "Oh! Now I understand! That happens to me all the time. As a matter of fact, it happened to me yesterday when my wife and I were at the breakfast table and I meant to say 'Please pass the milk' but what actually came out was 'You lousy bitch, you've ruined my life'!!!"