Gloves Jokes / Recent Jokes

A young man wanted to purchase a gift for his new sweetheart's birthday, and as they had not been dating very long, after careful consideration he decided a pair of gloves would strike just the right note: romantic, but not too personal. Accompanied by his sweetheart's younger sister, he went to Nordstrom's and bought a pair of white gloves. The sister purchased a pair of panties for herself. During the wrapping the clerk mixed up the items and the sister got the gloves and the sweetheart got the panties. Without checking the contents, the young man sealed the package and sent it to his sweetheart along with this note: I chose these because I noticed that you are not in the habit of wearing any when we go out in the evening. If it had not been for your sister I would have chosen the long ones with the buttons, but she wears the short ones that are easier to remove. These are a delicate shade, but the lady I bought them from showed me the pair she had been wearing for the past three more...

Trying to make up for bad behavior, Bill Clinton went to the shopping mall to buy Hillary a gift. "I'd like to buy some gloves for my wife," he says eyeing the attractive salesgirl, "but I don't know her size."
"Will this help?" she asked sweetly, placing her hand in his.
"Oh, yes," he answered. "Her hands are just slightly smaller than yours."
"Will there be anything else?" the salesgirl inquired, as she wrapped the gloves.
"Now that you mention it", Bill replied, "she also needs a bra and panties."

A young man wanted to purchase a birthday gift for his new sweetheart and since they had not been dating for very long, he decided a pair of gloves would strike the right note -romantic, but not too personal.
Accompanied by his sweetheart's younger sister, he bought a pair of white gloves and the younger sister purchased a pair of panties for herself. While wrapping the items, the clerk mixed them up and the sister got the gloves and the sweetheart got the panties. Without bothering to check the contents, he sealed the package and sent it to his sweetheart along with the following note:
I chose these because I have noticed you are not in the habit of wearing any when we go out in the evening. If it weren't for your sister, I would have chosen the long ones with the buttons, but she wears shorts ones that are far easier to remove.
These are a delicate shade, but the lady I purchased them from showed me the pair she has been wearing for the past few weeks and more...