One-eyed Jokes / Recent Jokes

Once the lame conqueror, Taimur, was holding a durbar on a platform overlooking a public thoroughfare. His eyes fell on a girl carrying a basket full of flowers on her head. He ordered one of his sentries to go and fetch her. The flower-girl was brought before the king. Taimur was surprised to see that this beautiful girl was blind in one eye. He asked her name. "My name is Daulat", replied the girl. Taimur remarked, "Can Daulat ever be one-eyed?"
The girl retorted, "Had Daulat not been one-eyed, how could a lame become a conqueror?"

What do you call a one-eyed dinosaur?
A doyouthinkhesaurus!

What do you call a one-eyed dinosaur?
A doyouthinkhesaurus!

What do you call a one-eyed dinosaur? A doyouthinkhesaurus!