Pic Jokes / Recent Jokes

Along time ago when no one know about mirror. A person loves his father very much, his father was about 75 years old. His father was a farmer. One day his father was seriously ill and passed away.

After 25 years later when he was about 74 years, one day he was digging the field he got a mirror from there as no one was aware of mirror he thought that it is a pic of his father because he havent seen his own face. He took that pic in his cupboard he always before going 2 fields or after coming from the fields kiss that pic. Once her wife thought that y he open the cupboard everyday becaz it hadnt happend before. When his husband went out she opened that cupboard she saw a pic(mirror) achhaaaaa! now i understand y he looks in cupboard, oh this is the churail which he looks at everyday(as she was looking her self in the mirror ).