Shit Jokes / Recent Jokes

Little Johnny had a terrible cussing problem and his father had had enough of it. Not knowing what to do, he decided to seek the advice of a psychiatrist.
The doctor suggested that, since Christmas was fast approaching, he should ask Johnny what he wanted Santa to bring him. If Johnny cussed, then he should leave a pile of dog shit in place of the gift.
A couple of days before Christmas, Johnny's father asked him what he wanted Santa to bring. Johnny said, "I want a damn teddy-bear laying right fuckin' here beside me when I wake up Christmas morning."
"Then, when I go downstairs," Johnny continued, "I want to see a motherfuckin' train going around the damn tree. When I go outside, I want to see a red-assed fuckin' bike leaning up against the damn garage!"
When Little Johnny woke up on Christmas morning, he rolled over into a big pile of dog shit. Confused, he went downstairs and found a bunch of dog shit around the Christmas tree. more...

Two men at a bar had been enjoying a few drinks for the past couple of hours and were pretty drunk when one notices a beautiful woman sitting
in the corner. One says to the other, "Jeez, I'd really like to dance with
that girl." The other replies, "Well go ahead and ask her, don't be a
chicken shit." So the man approaches the lovely woman and says,
"Excuse me. Would you be so kind as to dance with me." Seeing the man
is totally drunk the woman says, "I'm sorry. Right now I'm concentrating
on matromony and I'd rather sit than dance." So the man humbly returns
to his friend. "So what did she say?" he asks. "She said she's constipated
on macaroni and would rather shit in her pants."

A bear and a bunny are sitting in a forest taking a shit. The bear leans over to the bunny and says "Do you ever have the problem of shit sticking to your fur"? The bunny says "No". So the bear grabs the bunny and wipes his ass.

Two guys were on a long drive back from a fishing trip, when one turned to the other and said he needed to go to the bathroom. So they stopped the truck and he went behind the bushes. When he came back the other said "That was fast." "Well I need to take a shit but I've got nothing to wipe my ass with." The other answers, "That's easy just go on back, pull out a dollar, and wipe your ass with it." "O. K." he says as he goes back over to the bush. Later he comes back with a really upset look on his face and shit all over his hands and says "That was a terrible idea. Not only did I get shit all over me, I've got 10 Dimes Stuck up my ass!"

New office policy announced:
It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their coworkers. Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will be no longer tolerated. We do however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with coworkers, therefore, a list of "TRY SAYING" new phrases has been provided so that proper exchange of ideas
and information can continue in an effective manner without risk of offending our more sensitive employees.
TRY SAYING "Perhaps I can work late."
INSTEAD OF "When the fuck do you expect me to do this?"
TRY SAYING "I'm certain that is not feasible."
INSTEAD OF "No fucking way!!
TRY SAYING "Really?"
INSTEAD OF more...

Top 75 Reasons Why Women Should Not Have Freedom Of Speech
1. She doesn't need to talk to get me a beer.
2. If she's in the kitchen like she should be, no one can hear her anyway.
3. If she can talk, all she'll do is complain.
4. Because she won't say "I will" instead of "I do."
5. No man wants to hear "first down" during a basketball game.
6. Because PMS is no excuse for whining.
7. No man needs or wants to hear the word "period" unless it has to do with hockey.
8. Women created tampon and yeast infection commercials during football.
9. Affirmative action.
10. When men whistle at them in the street, they should just shut up and obey.
11. If my dick's in her mouth, she can't talk anyway.
12. Oprah.
13. Feminists.
14. Because that stupid look on her face should not be accompanied by an equally stupid statement.
15. The 2nd and 19th amendments.
16. I don't want to be made to lie and more...

In the beginning there was a Plan.
And then came the Assumptions. And the Assumptions were without form. And the Plan was without substance.
And darkness was upon the faces of the Workers. And they spoke among themselves, saying, "It is a crock of shit and it stinks."
And the Workers went unto their Supervisors and said, "It is a pail of dung we can not live with the smell." And the Supervisors went unto their Managers saying, "It is a container of excrement and it is very strong and none may abide by it."
And the Managers went unto their Directors saying, "It is a vessel of fertilizer and none may abide its strength."
And the Directors spoke among themselves saying to one another, "It contains that which aids plant growth and it is very strong."
And the Directors went unto their Vice Presidents saying unto them, "It promotes growth and it is very powerful."
And the Vice Presidents went unto more...