Sow Jokes / Recent Jokes

SOW: Would you like a nice cake with three candles for your party? PIGLET: I'd rather have three cakes and one candle.

SOW: Would you like a nice cake with three candles for your party? PIGLET: Id rather have three cakes and one candle.

Why wouldnt the sow let her piglets play with toads? She didnt want them to grow into wart hogs.

Three agricultural scientists were determined to discover how much a pig could eat before it just had to take a shit. To this end they procured a Yorkshire sow and pushed a large cork into her arse.

After six weeks of force feeding, the sow was the size of the Goodyear airship and threatening to burst. Being humane types, the scientists agreed that the cork must now be removed.

No-one wished to volunteer for the job, however, so in true scientific tradition, they decided to train a monkey for the task and swiftly put a small gibbon through a crash course in cork-pulling.

The day came and the pig was air-lifted out to the desert for safety`s sake. Special equipment was set up to monitor the event. Picture the scene: In the middle of the desert, the pig. Behind the pig, the monkey. One mile behind him, the first scientists with a video camera. One mile behind that scientist are the other two scientists with a seismometer. Finally, the monkey reaches up more...

Why wouldn't the sow let her piglets play with toads? She didn't want them to grow into wart hogs.