"A Job For A Marine" joke

A reality TV manager was interviewing one person from each of the armed forces for a spot on the new TV show. A soldier came in first and the manager handed him a berretta, and said, "Go into the other room there and shoot whoever it is in there."

The soldier goes in and came back out and said, "I can't do it." He didn't get the spot. Next a sailor came in and the manager said the same thing to him. The sailor went into the room, came out and said, "I can't do that."

He didn't get the spot. Then an Air Force pilot came in and was handed the same berretta and was told to do the same thing. Before he even went in he turned the manager down. Finally a Marine came in and stood in front of the manager at parade rest.

The manager handed him the berretta and told him to kill whomever it was in the other room. The Marine walked in and from behind the door came a loud BANG!! Then what sounded like braking wood and then screaming.

The Marine walked out, covered in blood. The manager yelled, "What the hell happened." The Marine replied, "Some dumbass put blanks in the gut so I had to brake off a table leg and beat her to death, sir."

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