"Following His Dream" joke

One night, a man woke up after hearing a voice telling him, "Quit your job, sell your house, take your money, go to Las Vegas."
Although he was disturbed, he ignored the voice and went about his business as usual. However, the next night the same voice came to him in a dream, with the same message. And so it went for weeks, with the same dream recurring every night, and the voice repeating the same message each time, "Quit your job, sell your house, take your money, go to Las Vegas."
Unable to stand it any longer, he quit his job, sold his house, took all his money, and headed to Las Vegas.
When his plane landed and he disembarked, he heard the voice again, "Go to a casino, quickly." He immediately hopped in a cab and rushed to the nearest casino. As soon as he set foot inside, he heard the voice tell him, "Go to the roulette table."
As he reached the roulette table, the voice said, "Put all your money on 17." Nervously, he turned in all his cash for chips and put them all on 17.
Round and round the wheel went, as he watched it slowly lose speed. Finally coming to a stop, the ball dropped into a numbered cup... 21.
Once more, the man heard the voice, "DAMN!"

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