"New rule in Heaven" joke

Heaven is getting to full so god makes up a new rule that the day u die has to be a bad one or u cant get into heaven. so a guy dies and god says 2 him u know the new rule what was ur day like and the man says well i came home only 2 find my wife lying naked on the bed and telling me shes been having an affair! whats more is that the guys shes having it with is still in the house! so i search the whole house looking for him and i finally go out onto the balcony and i see this guy naked hanging off our 25 story balcony so i jump on his fingers and he falls, but hes not dead so i throw out fridge on him, and it was all so much i had a heart attack and died
god says: thats a bad day u may enter
another guy dies and god says u know the rule what was ur day like and the guy says well i was having a shower and i walked out onto the balcony with my towel wrapped around me and i slipped i fell down onto my neighbours balcony below so im hanging by my fingertips off this 25 storey building and this freak comes out and starts jumping on my finger so i let go and fall but im not dead but then the freak throws his fridge on top of me so i die
god says thats a bas day u may enter
another guy dies and god says u know the new rule what was ur day like?
and the guy says picture this im standing naked in a fridge...

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