"The Thrifty Shopper" joke
One night two elderly residents, one male and one female, were sitting alone in the lobby of their nursing home.
The old man looks over at the old lady and says, "I know what you want. For $5 I'll have sex with you over there in that rocking chair." The old lady looks surprised but remains silent.
The old man continued, "For $10 I'll do it with you on that soft sofa, but for $20 I'll take you back to my room and give you the most romantic night you've ever had."
The old woman, still saying nothing, thinks for a couple of seconds, digs into her purse and pulls out a $20 bill.
"So," says the old man, "you want a romantic evening in my room."
"Hell no!" replies the old lady. "I want it four times in that rocking chair."
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