Becuase Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    His parents had just moved to town, and it was his first day in first
    grade at the new school. He was really nervous, but he didn't do so badly,
    he learned to count to '50', when most of the other kids could
    only count to 30, (some kids got to 35, but our boy got all the way to 50
    and only missed a couple of numbers)
    Our hero was so excited, that when he got home he told his dad
    how well he had done in school. His dad said "Son, you did so well
    becuase you're an [ethnic]."
    The next day the kids learned the alphabet in school. Most of th ekids got
    as far as 'M' or 'Q', but our hero got all the way to 'Z', and only missed
    a couple of letters.
    That evening, bursting with pride, he told his dad how he had done better
    than all the other students
    on the alphabet. His dad said "Son, you did so well
    becuase you're an [ethnic]."
    The next day, in gym class, our hero notced that he was a bit more...

    1. Your family secretly tells you they're taking to you to Disneyland, but for some odd reason they blindfold you for the whole ride, and when they take it off the blindfold your at a psychiartirst. You start having complex dreams about Youthink and the members.
    2. You start comparing your friends to the members on the site.
    3. While buying lotto tickets, you have a list of your favorite member's birthdays.
    4. You start remembering passages out of your term papers so that you can use them in an argument here.
    5. Whenever you hear a question, you wonder if you can add it here.
    6. You skipped a party with your friends so you could stay on here, drink a bottle on vodka, and pretend you are drinking with other members.
    7. You start to mention this site and quoting what other members said on a thread at parties or when you get together with family/friends.
    8. It's 2:30 am on a school night, and you tell yourself "just five more minutes" and 2 hours more...

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