Bedpost Jokes / Recent Jokes

A remedy for the common cold suggested by Dr. Richard Gordon, from the "Atlantic Monthly": At the first sign of a cold, go to bed with a bottle of whiskey and a hat. Place the hat on the left-hand bedpost. Take a drink of whiskey and move the hat to the right-hand bedpost. Take another drink and shift the hat back again. Continue this until you drink the whiskey but fail to move the hat. By then, the cold is probably cured.

One day Bill Clinton and Al Gore are pissing in the same bathroom. Bill notices that Al has a huge dick. "Shit", he says; "how did you ever make your dick that big?"
"Well", Al tells him, "Every night before I go to bed, I beat it on the bedpost fifty times. This also works wonders before sex..."
So, that night, Clinton sneaks in late, and starts beating the bedpost with his dick. Hillary rolls over and says "Is that you, Al?"