Beyonce Knowles Jokes / Recent Jokes

In a sit-down with Giant magazine, 24-year-old pop sensation Beyonce Knowles is finally ready to take the reigns over her career by firing her father-manager Matthew Knowles. The singer admits, “We had our issues. I’d say ‘No’ to something, and he’d book it anyway. Then I’d have to do it because I’d look bad if I didn’t.”

She also mentioned that daddy began to seek advice from other famous father-managers such as Christopher Culkin, Michael Lohan and ‘Papa’ Joe Jackson.

"Single Ladies" was voted as Song of the Year by a panel of judges that included Tiger Woods, John Edwards, and David Letterman.

Beyonce Knowles has recently changed her name for her new album coming out. Her new name is Sasha Fierce. She justified the name change by saying:

"I have someone else that takes over when it's time for me to work and when I'm on stage, this alter ego that I've created that kind of protects me and who I really am."

Hey Jay-z I think we just found your 100th problem. Turns out it is a bitch and shes insane.

Due to constant harassment from male fans while promoting her latest album, Beyonce Knowles has traded in her security detail for a more effective approach. She has currently hired Two Cock Blockers

Aretha Franklin is upset with Beyonce for calling Tina Turner the queen. Shame on you Beyonce we all know that Aretha Franklin is the queen--the Dairy Queen! The Burger Queen!

"What you want? You know I got it! All I'm asking is for a little:

Hamburger with cheese
Mustard Greens
Hamhocks (oops, I got my own)
Grits and eggs
Pecan pie
Sweet potatoe pie

When you come home.