Circus Jokes / Recent Jokes

What works in a circus, walks a tightrope and has claws? An acrocat!

Q. How is being at a singles bar different from going to the circus?
A. At the circus, the clowns don't talk.

A man is hired by the circus to perform a necessary but rather unpleasant task. He is asked to walk behind the elephants in the center ring, shoveling aside their droppings as they walk about. After a rather difficult evening at work, he goes to the circus cafeteria, sits with other workers, and begins complaining about his work. "It's just terrible work, walking behind those huge beasts and first dodging, then shoveling aside the dung they produce. My arms are tired, my shoes and pants are a mess, and I'll have to shower before I return home, because of the stink." His friends at work agree: "Why don't you just quit this miserable job and find something more rewarding to do. You have to have some skills and talents that you can put to use somewhere else." He looks at them, stunned: "You know, you're probably right, but I just can't give up the glamour of show business!"

Marriage is a three ring circus: an engagement ring, a wedding ring, and suffering

There was this guy who bought an elderly circus elephant. Alas, he couldn't afford to feed it. He'd never seen an elephant jump with all 4 feet off the ground. So he started a contest: entry was $10, and the first person to get the elephant to jump with all 4 feet off the ground would get $50, 000. All sorts of people tried, but nobody could get the elephant to jump. Finally, this little guy arrives in a limousine. He's carrying a baseball bat. He walks up to the elephant, swings the bat, and crunches the elephants balls pretty badly. Needless to say, the elephant jumps, and the owner pays out the $50, 000. Unfortunately, the owner had barely collected enough to cover the prize, so he ran another contest. He'd never seen an elephant swing its head back and forth as if to say, "no." Same deal as before: $10 per entry, $50,000 prize. Lots of people try and fail. Then the little guy shows up in his limousine again, pulls out his bat, and walks up to the elephant. He says, more...

What's the difference between a woman in the bath tub and a nun? The nun has a soul full of hope.
What's the difference between a circus and a Las Vegas Dance Show? The circus is an array of cunning stunts.
Holly Happidays

What's the difference between a woman in the bath tub and a nun?
The nun has a soul full of hope.
What's the difference between a circus and a Las Vegas Dance Show?
The circus is an array of cunning stunts.
Holly Happidays