Circus Jokes / Recent Jokes

What's the difference between a woman in the bath tub and a nun? The nun has a soul full of hope.What's the difference between a circus and a Las Vegas Dance Show? The circus is an array of cunning stunts.Holly Happidays

After a visit to the circus, Geoff and Don were discussing the thrills and marvels they had seen. "I didnt think much of the knife thrower, did you?" said Geoff. "I thought he was great!" enthused Don. "Well, I didnt," said Geoff. "He kept throwing those knives at that soppy girl but he didnt hit her once."

A couple took their young son to the circus and when the elephants appeared, the boy seemed very intrigued by them. "Mommy, what's that long thing on the elephant?" he asked. "That's the elephant's trunk, dear," she replied. "No, not that. What's that long thing that's hanging between the elephant's legs?" asked the boy. Embarrassed, the mother replied, "Oh, it's nothing, son." She then left to get some hot dogs and sodas. While she was gone, the young boy turned to his father and asked, "Daddy, what's that long thing hanging between the elephant's legs?" "That's the elephant's penis, son," explained the father. "Well, why did mommy say it was nothing when I asked her?" the boy asked. Taking a deep breath, the father proudly replied, "I've spoiled that woman, son!"

A couple took their young son to the circus and when the elephants appeared, the boy seemed very intrigued by them.
"Mommy, what's that long thing on the elephant?" he asked.
"That's the elephant's trunk, dear," she replied.
"No, not that. What's that long thing that's hanging between the elephant's legs?" asked the boy.
Embarrassed, the mother replied, "Oh, it's nothing, son." She then left to get some hot dogs and sodas.
While she was gone, the young boy turned to his father and asked, "Daddy, what's that long thing hanging between the elephant's legs?"
"That's the elephant's penis, son," explained the father.
"Well, why did mommy say it was nothing when I asked her?" the boy asked.
Taking a deep breath, the father proudly replied, "I've spoiled that woman, son!"

How is being at a singles bar different from going to the circus? At the circus the clowns don't talk.

Fred, "My uncle had a 3 ring circus."
George, "No shit?"
Fred, "Yeah, him & 2 other assholes!"

Marriage is a 3-ring circus:
engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering.