Circus Jokes / Recent Jokes

A mother, father and young son are visiting the circus. The elephants walk out into the circus ring and the little boy says to his mother, "What's that?"
"That's the elephant's tail," she replies.
"No, under the tail," says the youngster.
The mother is clearly embarrassed and says, "Oh, nothing."
The boy turns to his father and repeats the same question. His father looks and says, "That's the elephant's penis, son."
"So, why did mum say it was nothing?" asks the boy.
The father draws himself up to his full height and says, "Son, I've spoiled that woman."

An April 7th newspaper had an AP photo taken in Washington DC. The photo was of a Ringling Brothers circus elephant with Newt on one side and Bob Dole on the other side. How appropriate - a circus elephant with a CLOWN on either side.

Q. How is being at a singles bar different than being at the circus?
A. At the circus, the clowns don't talk.

Britney Spears kicks off her "Circus" tour this week. It begins with several clowns coming out of her vagina.

One day I was telling my close friend about my dream the previous
night I had dreamt that I was at a fantastic circus and loved
every minute of it.
He said, "That's interesting; I also had a beautiful dream- in
my dream there was a knock on the door while I was watching TV
alone at night. And there was Raquel Welch asking whether she
could come in! (readers should know my age by now and that this
is a joke from some 30 years ago!!!!). I was
simply delighted and asked her in and almost fainted when I saw
Sophia Loren coming in behind her. I did not know what to do,
me with these two lovely ladies...."
I was becoming impatient by now. I said to my friend, "Come on
machan, we have been such close friends for so long. All you had
to do was to ring me and I would have been there in a jiffy!"
To which my friend replied, "I did ring you my dear chap. But
your mother told me you had gone to a more...

How do you kill a circus?
Go for the juggler!