Dahmer Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Did you know that Jeffrey Dahmer was the only man in America whose bologna
    really did have a first name?

    How did they find out Jeffrey Dahmer was a cigarette smoker?
    They found a bunch of butts behind his couch
    What is Jeffrey Dahmer's favorite line of clothing?
    Dis-Members Only
    Jeffrey Dahmer had his mother over for dinner when she suddenly said,
    "You know, Jeffrey, I don't like your neighbors..."
    Which he responded, "Just eat the vegetables then..."
    Doctor: "Your wife either has Ahlzeimer's or AIDS."
    Husband: "How can we find out which?"
    Doctor: "I need you to run a little experiment this weekend. Take
    your wife to a park and leave her there. If she finds her
    way home; don't fuck her."
    What does MAGIC stand for in Magic Johnson?
    My Ass Got Infected Coach
    How did David Copperfield catch AIDS?
    He was playing with Magic (D. C. has never been reported as having AIDS)
    When asked how his daughter does not more...

    Jeffrey Dahmer was the only man in America whose bologna really did have a first name.

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