Defense Jokes / Recent Jokes

Once again Leroy was asked to do a simple homework assignment.
Still befuddled by the whole school thing, Leroy is a trooper. He was given another set of vocabulary words to use in sentences. Here's what he handed in:
We was playin poker on the stoop the other day, man I was HONOROLL.
I got me some seed to grow weed, so I PLANET in the backyard.
I went for a blood test, the doctor pulled out a big needle. He said, "DISMAY hurt a little."
Every time I start a new job, OMELETTE go after a week.
When me and my homies get high, we STAIRWAY into space.
I went to buy crack, I was short on cash, my man said, "Gimme one MOBILE."
I ran from the cops, and hopped DEFENSE and got away.
I got so mad at my bitch, AFRO a lamp at her.
I like to be high in school, so AFTERMATH I go to the field and smoke weed.
I slam the more...

Turns out Phillip Holliday did not blame a unicorn for driving his truck into a lampost, because that would be silly everyone knows unicorns can't drive.
He said an unnamed woman was driving the truck.
Prosecutors call this the "Unicorn Defense", when someone blames some mythical person for the crime.
It seems that the Deputy Prosecutor did not get the memo that the phrase had been changed from the "OJ Defense"