Fay Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    There is an American named Michael Fay
    He loves to take our public signs away
    Sometimes graffiti on our cars he spray
    Until by the police he was caught one fine day
    The Chief Justice to Michael he says
    " A small fine you shall have to pay "
    " Four months in Queenstown Remand you'll stay "
    " With six strokes of rotan coming your way "
    This decision Clinton try to sway
    For vandalism is a game their local boys play
    We should find other means to keep crime at bay
    Because caning is not an American way
    Tried all means Fay's father and mother may
    And even the American press got into fray
    Desperate, the plea for clemency went President Ong's way
    Authorized to pardon, hopefully he may
    Finally, in order that Clinton's face shall not go away
    Two strokes less of caning to Michael's dismay
    George Fay, his father still shout " Nay! nay! nay! "
    Once Fay out of more...

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