Fool Jokes / Recent Jokes

A couple completed their dinner and the man asked for the check. Thinking to impress his date, he called the waiter over and loudly complained that the bill was incorrect.

The waiter patiently reviewed the bill with the man, and it was indeed correct.

"Are you trying to make a fool out of me? " he huffed.

"Oh sir... Not in the least... I never interfere with nature."

Don't argue with a fool. The spectators can't tell the difference.

When that fool Reagan said that the Soviet Union was a failedexperiment headed for the ash heap of history, I knew he was ademagogue. When that fool Reagan said that the Soviet Union was an evilempire, I knew he was a dangerous kook. When that fool Reagan said that we could end the Cold War byescalating the arms race, I knew the odds favored nuclearannihilation. When the Soviet Union went broke, dissolved, and repudiatedits past, I knew it was all Gorbachevs genius, and that fool Reaganhad nothing to do with it. Because if that fool Reagan was right all along...... what kind of fool am I?

Don't make a fool out of me - I'm doing OK by myself!

Teacher: "Anoop, Stop Showing Off. Do You Think You Are The Teacher Of This Class?"
Anoop: "No, Miss."
Teacher: "Then Stop Acting Like A Fool!"

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain. .. and most do.

Only a bureaucracy can fight a bureaucracy.
Only a fool can reproduce another fool's work.
Only a mediocre person is always at their best.
Only them as knows their own... knows.
Only those who attempt the absurd can acheive the impossible.
One test is worth a thousand expert opinions.
Old age is always fifteen years older than you are.
It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.
Never speculate on that which can be known for certain.