Rats Jokes / Recent Jokes

a guy walks into a store and he sees this statue of a golden rat and he buys it. well after a while rats start to follow him and the longer he walks more rats join him well finaly he throws the statue into the river and all the rats jump in and drown well he goes back to the store and asks the owner if he has anything that works on black people

Using stem cell research, scientists have recently found a cure forMuscular Dystrophy in rats. In order to apply the cure to humans,scientists are now trying to figure out how to turn humans into rats.

Researchers have used stem cells to help eliminate paralysis in rats.
A perfect marketing move to convince those opposed: now we're not only killing babies, but we're using the dead babies to help create more mobile vermin! (Maybe these newly active rodents can bite and kill MORE babies? Win-win-win!)