Recital Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    German Lesson #7
    Dog: Barkenpantensniffer
    Dog Catcher: Barkenpantensniffersnatcher
    Dog Catcher's Truck: Barkenpantensniffersnatcherwagen
    Garage for Truck: Barkenpantensniffensnatcherwagenhaus
    Truck Repairman: Barkenpantensniffensnatcherwagen-
    Mechanic's Union: Barkenpantensniffensnatcherwagen-
    Doctor: Chestergethumpenpulsentooker
    Nurse: Chestergethumpenpulsentookerhelper
    Hypodermic Needle: Chestergethumpenpulsentooker-
    Backside: Chestergethumpenpulsentooker-
    Piano: Plinkenplankenplunkenbox
    Pianist: Plinkenplankenplunkenboxgepounder
    Piano Stool: Plinkenplankenplunkenboxgepounder-
    Piano Recital: Plinkenplankenplunkenboxgepounder-
    Fathers at the Recital: more...

    The audience at a piano recital were appalled when a telephone rang just off stage. Without missing a note the soloist glanced toward the wings and called, "If that's my agent, tell him I'm working!"

    Once there was a violinist who got a gig to play a recital at a mental institution. He played the recital brilliantly, and backstage after the concert, he got a visit from one of the institutionalized patients. "Oh, the concert you played was just lovely.
    The Paganini caprice was stunning, the counterpoint in the Bach came out so clearly, and the phrasing in your Debussy was just exquisite!", said the patient. "Why, thank you," said the musician (thinking this person seemed pretty normal for a institutionalized person). "Are you by chance a musician?" "Oh yes, I was concertmaster of an orchestra for many years, I've played all of the major concertos: Tchaikowsky, Brahms, Mozart, all the major ones." said the patient.
    "Wow, that's impressive," said the violinist. "Did you do recitals as well?" "Oh yes, I've done all the major sonatas, Bach, Kreisler, Vieuxtemps, all of the major ones," said the patient. more...

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