Yankees Jokes / Recent Jokes

A study on how emotions cloud memories found that Red Sox fans have fuzzy memories about the historic 2004 ALCS victory over the Yankees.
You mean my cherished memory of George Steinbrenner dressed in drag, wearing a pink Red Sox cap, curled in a fetal position behind the pitcher's mound, chanting "UNCLE!" over and over again didn't really happen?

The New York Yankees have been named the most valuable franchise in baseball with a net worth of $1.6 billion. Coincidentally, that's what it costs to sit behind home plate.

The New York Yankees recently offered fans free prostate exams. The exams simulate what it's like finding a parking spot near the stadium.

On the first day of school, a teacher asked her class, “Who here is a Yankees fan? ”
Every student knew that she loved the Yankees, so they replied by raising their hands, except for one girl, Rosie.
The teacher asked, “Who do you like, little girl? ” Rosie replied, “I’m a Red Sox fan and I hate the Yankees. ”
The teacher asked why and Rosie told her that her parents were Red Sox fans, so she was too. The teacher said to the class, “So if Rosie’s parents were idiots, what would that make her? ”
Rosie chimed in, “A Yankees fan!!! ”

The New York Yankees won their 27th World Series title. It couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of free agents.

The Yankees have announced they will wear a special patch on their uniforms commemorating the inaugural season at their new stadium. The design will feature an enormous dollar sign being flushed down a toilet.

Major League Baseball nixed a New York Yankees signing after the player turned out to be under 16-years-old. They became suspicious when the player was asked his age, and responded by saying, "this many."