"How do you get three elephants in a taxi?" joke
How do you get three elephants in a taxi?One in the front next to the driver, and two in the back. How do you know there is an elephant in your house?There's a taxi outside with two impatient elephants. How do you know there is an elephant in your refrigerator?There's a taxi outside it with two impatient elephants. And what if you don't notice the taxi?There are footprints in the butter. How do you get an elephant into the refrigerator?Open the door, put in the elephant, close the door. How do you get two elephants in the refrigerator?Open the door, put in the first elephant, then put in the second elephant, then close the door. How do you get six elephants in the refrigerator?Put three elephants in a taxi, put three elephants in another taxi, then put the two taxis in the fridge. Why are there so many elephants running loose in Africa?Not enough refrigerators.
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