"Pitiful Poetry # 7" joke
I am a sexual deviant. The technical term for one sick pup.
My significant other is such a doll, and I mean that because I blow her up.
Her mouth is always open, but she doesn’t have much to say.
And every time that I am with her, she takes my breath away.
She is as kinky as I want her to be. She is the ultimate piece of ass.
I once inflated her with nitrus oxide. That night was such a gas.
One night I got a little rough. I was grinding, and thrusting, and squeezing.
The bottom line is...I popped her. They call me “needle dick” for a reason.
I didn’t want to lose her, because to me she is such a catch.
I got her the help that she needed. Now she is on the patch.
I fill her boobs to the max. When they are that big, I love the feel of em.
Some times I make her play hard to get, by filling her up with helium.
I always take her with me. My friends think I’m insane.
But she is an excellent listener, and I can drive in the carpool lane.
She is the ultimate date. She has never complained about my farts.
When I take her into a bar, I have to keep her away from the darts
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