Acrobat Jokes

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    This young guy comes into the office/wagon of the circus master: "I can climb up the center pole and dive off into space, NO NET, land on my head in center ring, and jump up and take a bow. How 'bout them apples?"
    "How much are you asking for this spectacle?" asks the circus master.
    "Just 200 bucks a show," says the young guy.
    "I don't know. I'll have to see it first," says the circus master.
    The acrobat climbs up, dives off, lands on his head, and jumps up and waves, although a bit wobbly.
    "OK, for 200 bucks a shot, it's a deal," says the circus master.
    "Oh, no! Not 200! 500!" says the acrobat.
    "What? You said 200!"
    "I know I said 200, but that was before I tried it!"

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