Crore Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Santa is appearing on "Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC)" with Amitabh Bachchan.
    Amitabh: "Santa, you're up to Rs Fifty lakhs, with one lifeline left: phone a friend. If you get it right, the next question is worth a crore rupees If you get it wrong, you drop back to Rs 3,20,000. Are you ready?"
    Santa: "Yes."
    Amitabh: "Which of the following birds does not build it's own nest? Is it
    A) robin, B) sparrow, C) cuckoo, or D) thrush."
    Santa: "I'd like to phone a friend. I'd like to call Banta."
    Banta answers the phone: "Hello?"
    Amitabh: "Hello Banta ji, it's Amitabh Bachchan from KBC. I have your friend Santa here who needs your help to answer the final question. The next voice you hear will be Santa's..."
    Santa: "Banta, which of the following birds does not build it's own nest?
    Is it A) robin, B) sparrow, C) cuckoo, or D) thrush."
    Banta: "Oh geez, Santa. That's simple. more...

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