Diamonds Jokes / Recent Jokes

Version One:

An aging man lived alone in Ireland. His only son was in Long Kesh Prison, and he didn't know anyone
who would spade up his potato garden.
The old man wrote to his son about it, and received this reply, "For HEAVENS SAKE, don't dig up that
garden, that's where I buried the GUNS!!!!!"
At 4 A. M. the next morning, a dozen British soldiers showed up and dug up the entire garden, but
didn't find any guns.
Confused, the man wrote to his son telling him what happened and asking him what to do next.
His son's reply was: "Just plant your potatoes."
Version Two:

Place and time: somewhere in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. The phone rings at KGB headquarters.
"My neighbor Ivan Asimov is an enemy of the State. He is hiding undeclared diamonds in his woodshed."
"This will be noted."
The next day, the KGB goons go over to Asimov's house. They more...

A burgler walked into a quiet little house at the end of a road.
He was stealing diamonds when he hears
"Jesus is watching you"
The guy freaks and turns around, seeing nothing he goes back to stealing diamonds.
And again he hears
"Jesus is watching you"
He turns around again and this time sees a parrot in a corner cage saying
"Jesus is watching you"
The guy gets all embarrassed about freaking out over a little parrot and says
"who do you think you are"
the bird replies
"What kind of idiot names their bird Moses"
"The same idiot who named their pitbull Jesus"

A phone rings at KGB headquarters.
"Hello, is this the KGB?"
"Yes. What do you want?"
"I'm calling to report my neighbor Yankel Rabinovitz as an enemy of the State. He is hiding undeclared diamonds in his fire wood."
"This will be noted."
The next day, the KGB goons visit Rabinovitz's house. They search the shed where the fire wood is kept, break every piece of wood there, but find no diamonds. They swear at Yankel Rabinovitz and leave.
The phone then rings at Rabinovitz's house.
"Hello, Yankel! Did the KGB come?"
"Did they chop up your firewood?"
"Yes, they did."
"Okay, now it's your turn to call. I need my vegetable patch plowed."

Redneck's Ode to a ValentineKudzu is green. My Dog's name is Blue. And I'm so danged lucky to have a sweet thang like you. Yore hair is like cornsilk, A-flappin' in the breeze. Softer than Blue's And without all them fleas. You move like the bass which excite me in May. You ain't got no scales But I luv you anyway. Yo're as graceful as okry jist a-dancin' in the pan. Yore as fragrant as Mountain Dew Right out of the can. You have all yore teeth For which I am proud. I hold my head high When we's in a crowd. On special occasions, When you shave yore armpits, Well I'm in hawg heaven. I'm plumb out of my wits. And speakin' of wits, You got plenty fer shore.' Cuz you are my woman. I can't ask fer more. Like a good roll of Duct Tape Yo're there for yore man To patch up life's toubles And stick' em in the can. Yo're as strong as a four-wheeler Racin' through the mud. Yet fragile as that singer Named Naomi Judd. Yo're as cute as a Junebug A-buzzin' overhead. You ain't mean like no far ant On more...

"Can you loan me faux dollars ?"
"What faux ?"
"To buy faux diamonds."
"What do you need with faux diamonds ?"
"I have sixteen, but I need faux more."
"Okay, why do you need twenty faux diamonds ?"
"No, just twenty, not twenty-faux ."
"You CAN'T be faux real! Besides, I don't have faux dollars."
"Thanks faux nothing !"
"Why do you REALLY need faux dollars ?"
"Well, it's faux pas."
"And why does pas need faux dollars ?"
"'Cause Ma SPENT all of his !"