Faraoh Jokes / Recent Jokes

In school, the professor asks:
-Who can tell me now who was the mother
of Moses? You, Daniel, should know, tell me!
Daniel, a young jewish child, stand up and
answers without hesitate:
- Moses mother was the faraoh's daughter!
- No, no, no, no, Daniel..., the faraoh's
daughter found him down the Nile, in a basket...
- Yeah, that's what she says

Moses is in the desert and he sees a
burning bush.He approaches and he hears
a voice."My name is Moses, what about you? "
he sad."I AM is My name, and I am the Lord
of your forefathers!";"Nice to meet you,
I am!";"Tell Me, Moses, don't you feel
lonely in this desert?""Oh, yeah, very lonely..."
"Don't you miss your jewish brothers?
"Oh, yeah, very much...""Don't you miss
your teachers?""Oh, yes, i miss them lot"
"Don't you miss bathing in the Nile?"
"Oh, yes, is very warm in here, I miss
that cold water...""Don't you miss your
mother, Moses?" Moses starts to cry, and
he whispers through his tears:"Very much"
the faraoh wants to kill me" "He will not,
I will be with you every step" "Are you sure?"
"Sure more...