Frida Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Knock Knock
    Who's there?
    Frida who?
    Frida be!

    Knock Knock
    Who's there!
    Frida who?
    Frida be!

    An ultra orthodox Jewish couple gets invited to a wedding, but are very puzzled by the invitation.
    "Joel, what does RSVP mean?"
    "Frida, i'm not quite sure. i think it has to do with something about bringing beer."
    "no, that's byob."
    "oh, right. than i think it's something about myob."
    "that's mind your own business, honey!"
    "oh, right, it's something about using too much viagra!"
    Frida didn't answer back, because that just didn't require an answer.
    Frida thought long and hard over the next few weeks, and finally came up with the most ethical answer she could think of.
    "Joel! i finally found out what RSVP means! Remember! Supply Vedding Present."

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    RSVP by Anonym
    RSVP by Rechargelife