Mama Jokes / Recent Jokes

Yo Mama is so dumb she told everyone that she was "Illegitiment" because she couldn't read!

Yo Mama is so poor the bank repossesed her cardboard box!

Yo mama so flat she's jealous of the wall!

Yo mama so flat she's jealous of a book!

Yo mama so flat she's jealous of a piece of paper!

Yo Mama is so fat she stepped on a rainbow and made Skittles!

Yo Mama is so dumb that she puts lipstick on her head just to make-up her mind!

Yo Mama is so poor she had to get a second mortgage on her cardboard box!

Yo mama so greasy she used bacon as a band-aid!

Yo mama so greasy she sweats Crisco!

Yo mama so greasy Texaco buys Oil from her