Mitchell Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    To all those Freshman note takers out's an example of good
    note taking :-)...
    How to Take Notes
    "Probably the greatest quality
    of the poetry of John Milton, who
    was born in 1608, is the combination
    of beauty and power. Few have
    excelled him in the use of the
    English language, or for that
    matter, in lucidity of verse form,
    'Paradise Lost' being said to be
    the greatest single poem ever
    John Milton-born 1608
    "When Lafayette first came to
    this country, he discovered
    America. The Americans needed his
    help if their cause was to survive,
    and this he promptly supplied them."
    Lafayette discovered America
    "Current historians have come to
    doubt the complete advantageousness
    of some of Roosevelt's policies"
    YOU more...

    My son, Mitchell, a kindergartener, practices spelling with magnetic letters on the refrigerator: "cat," "dog," "dad," and "mom" have been proudly displayed for all to see.One morning while getting ready for the day, Mitchell bounded into the room with his arms outstretched. In his hands were three magnetic letters: G-O-D. "Look what I spelled, Mom!" Mitch exclaimed, a proud smile on his face."That's wonderful!" I said. "Now go put them on the fridge so Dad can see when he gets home tonight." That Christian education is certainly having an impact, I thought, happily.Just then, a little voice called from the kitchen."Mom? How do you spell' zilla?'"

    "Probably the greatest quality of the
    poetry of John Milton, who was born in
    1608, is the combination of beauty and
    power. Few have excelled him in the use
    of the English language, or for that
    matter, in lucidity of verse form,
    ' Paradise Lost' being said to be the
    greatest single poem ever written."
    John Milton--born 1608
    "When Lafayette first came to this
    country, he discovered America. The
    Americans needed his help if their
    cause was to survive, and this he
    promptly supplied them."
    Lafayette discovered America
    "Current historians have come to doubt
    the complete advantageousness of some
    of Roosevelt's policies"
    Most of the problems that now face
    the United States are directly
    traceable to the bungling and greed
    of President Roosevelt.
    "... it is possible that we do not
    understand the more...

    Little Mitchell hurt his finger and ran crying to his mother. She kissed it and said, "There, that will make it feel better."
    A few minutes later, Mitchell scratched his forehead. His mother took care of the wound, then once more kissed the spot and sent her little man out to play.
    In half an hour Mitchell was back again. This time one of his friends had kicked him in a more intimate region; he came in screaming wildly and pointing to the spot.
    "Damn it," said his mother, "you're getting more like your father every day."

    During an award ceremony the wife of Spain's ambassador to Washington asked former Sen. George Mitchell if he could make his speech a bit longer, since the ambassador had still not arrived from the airport. Mitchell replied: "I spent years in the U.S. Senate, Madam. I can speak on any subject for any length of time -- usually on a subject about which I have no particular knowledge."

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