Perimeter Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Twas the night before Christmas and all through the camp,
    Everyone was busy making sure security need not re-vamp.
    The posts were manned and the T-walls were aligned in a row,
    Making sure no one could get close to deliver a gift with a throw.

    The soldiers where sleeping all laying on the ground
    While mortars flew overhead; round after round.
    The officers in their tent and I trying my best,
    Had just settled down for a long miserable rest.

    When out on the perimeter there arouse such a clatter.
    I sprang from my cot to see what was the matter.
    Away to the bunker I quickly did flee,
    Tore my trousers and busted my knee.

    The moon was shining on the freshly fallen dust,
    Made everything around look to be made from rust.
    When what to my weary eyes should appear
    There is a hole in the perimeter wall I fear.

    The senior commander stood proud and tall,
    Begin to give orders for one and more...

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