Signpost Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    A signpost at a road junction:' This way to Timbuktu - if you can't read, enquire at the store opposite.'

    Then there was a signpost along a river bank which read:' When this sign is under water the crossing is dangerous.'

    Some signs have a macabre sense of humour, as the one leading to a cemetery:' One way traffic.'

    An exhortation to city dwellers when they come to seek peace and quiet in the mountains:' Keep still and listen to the silence.'
    A number of Aussies follow the instruction and one asks:' I cannot hear anything, can you?'

    Not far from Rank Xerox's office in Welwyn, England, there is a town called Hitchin. On one of the commonly used routes into Hitchin, there was a junction which often confused travellers, causing them to make a wrong turn. The resulting route was nine miles longer than the correct route into Hitchin.
    This common mistake was sufficiently irritating that the local people wageda campaign to have a new signpost erected at the junction. After due process, the signpost was installed, and the local people showed up for the installation, holding a sort of mini-festival of celebration.
    The local newspaper reported the event with the following headline: "A Hitchin Sign Saves Nine"

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