Skeletons Jokes / Recent Jokes

A vampire joke
What does a vampire say to the mirror?
Terror, terror on the wall…!

A skeleton joke
How do skeletons call their friends?
On the telebone!

A skeleton joke
Why are skeletons so calm?
Because nothing gets under their skin!

A werewolf joke
Mummy, mummy what’s a werewolf?
Be quiet and brush your face!

A werewolf joke
What parting gift did the werewolf parents give to their son when he left home?
A comb!

A witch joke
What is evil, ugly and goes at 125 mph?
A witch on a high speed train!

A skeleton joke
What’s a skeleton’s favourite musical instrument?
A trom-bone!

Halloween Funnies:
What do Skeletons say before eating? Bone Appetite.
What do blondes and Jack-O-Lanterns have in common? Both have blank expressions and are hollow inside.
Why did the Vampire get fired from the Blood Bank? He was caught drinking on the job.
Why do ghosts have so much trouble dating? Women can see right through them.
Why are Vampires Democrats? They want Gore in
What kind of clothes do Zombies wear? Decay NY.
Why aren't there any famous skeletons? They're a bunch of no bodies.
What kind of music do Mummies listen to? Wrap.
What do you call a guy turned on by a witch? Scared stiff.

Halloween Funnies:
What do Skeletons say before eating? Bone Appetite.
What do blondes and Jack-O-Lanterns have in common? Both have blank expressions and are hollow inside.
Why did the Vampire get fired from the Blood Bank? He was caught drinking on the job.
Why do ghosts have so much trouble dating? Women can see right through them.
Why are Vampires Democrats? They wanted Gore in 2000.
What kind of clothes do Zombies wear? Decay NY.
Why aren't there any famous skeletons? They're a bunch of no bodies.
What kind of music do Mummies listen to? Wrap.
What do you call a guy turned on by a witch? Scared stiff.

Halloween Funnies:What do Skeletons say before eating? Bone Appetite.What do blondes and Jack-O-Lanterns have in common? Both have blank expressions and are hollow inside.Why did the Vampire get fired from the Blood Bank? He was caught drinking on the job.Why do ghosts have so much trouble dating? Women can see right through them.Why are Vampires Democrats? They want Gore in2000.What kind of clothes do Zombies wear? Decay NY.Why aren't there any famous skeletons? They're a bunch of no bodies.What kind of music do Mummies listen to? Wrap.What do you call a guy turned on by a witch? Scared stiff.

What sort of soup do skeletons like? One with plenty of body in it.