"Silicon Valley Mottos" joke
Silicon Valley Mottos:
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Where quality is Job One-Point-One
Maurice Herlihy
H O N O R A B L E __M E N T I O N S
''It Compiles. Ship It''
Doug Sheppard
Artificial intelligence-when you just can't get the real thing
Nancy Ott
Sleep is for the weak
Robert Zazueta
I came, I saw, IPO
Andy Halushka
Go Public or Perish
John R. Wodziak
If at first you don't succeed, go for a second round
Rex Hill
Where the world comes to pay more for housing
Dana Spradley
Give me your contract-hired, your poor-before, your not-so-subtle badasses
Kimberly Green
Spinning sand into gold
Sue Clark
Lies, damned lies, and market caps
Alex Strasheim
Silicon Valley: commute, compute, commute
David Kenney
Come for the overtaxing work environment, stay for the unaffordable housing prices
Richard Kairis
Silicon Valley: It happened here first, yesterday
Kyri Sparks
Thank you for holding. Our next available technical support representative will be with you shortly
Kurt Gray
God bless the early adopters
Eli Neiburger
Go public or get out of the way
Jack Lizmi
Upgrade or perish
Allan Ross Kreuiter
We don't just make your computer, we make your computer obsolete!
Steve Roche
Silicon Valley Population:
Karin Newton
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