"Superman and Wonderwoman" joke
One day superman is flynig over a city and he sees Wonderwoman sleeping on top of a bulding nude. Superman says to himself" I'm faster than a speeding bullet i can do her like that!" So he goes down and does her and then flys away. 5 minutes later Wonderwoman wakes up and says " What happened?" Invisible Boy says "i dont know but my ass hurts"
One day, Superman was flying across the sky, and he notices Wonderwoman lying asleep, but STARK NAKED on a beach blanket. So.. he decided to go down & get some.So after he had done the deed, he flew away. Then Wonderwoman got up and said "What was THAT?" And the more...
One day, Superman was flying across the sky, and he notices Wonderwoman lying asleep, but STARK NAKED on a beach blanket. So.. he decided to go down & get some. So after he had done the deed, he flew away. Then Wonderwoman got up and said "What was THAT?" And the more...
One day, Superman was flying across the sky, and he notices Wonderwoman lying asleep, but STARK NAKED on a beach blanket. So.. he decided to go down & get some.
So after he had done the deed, he flew away. Then Wonderwoman got up and said "What was THAT?" And the more...