"Waiter! There's a fly in my joke!" joke
The discovery of fly in the soup can mean different reponses to different diners in different countries.
In France the soup if eaten and the fly is left high and dry on the side of the plate.
In Enlgand the fly is quietly and discreetly removed and hidden under a serviette.
In Australia the soup is sent back to the kitchen, the fly is removed and the same soup returned.
In America the soup and the fly are subpoenaed as evidence for the ensuing litigation.
In Italy the diner storms into the kitchen and cuts up the chef.
In the Orient the fly is eaten first and washed down by the soup.
In Scotland the fly is wrung out and then the soup is consumed.
In Israel the bill is quickly amended. The fly is extra.
In India the diner complains; "Waiter, what's this? Only one fly?"
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