Committing Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    If you are not committing any sins, you are probably not having a lot of fun.

    Taking a few crumbs to Tashlich from whatever old bread is in the house lacks subtlety, nuance and religious sensitivity. Instead, this coming Rosh Hashanah consider these options:
    For ordinary sins, use White Bread
    For exotic sins, French Bread
    For particularly dark sins, Pumpernickel
    For complex sins, Multi-grain
    For twisted sins, Pretzels
    For tasteless sins, Rice Cakes
    For sins of indecision, Waffles
    For sins committed in haste, Matzah
    For sins committed in less than eighteen minutes, Shmurah Matzah
    For sins of chutzpah, Fresh Bread
    For substance abuse, Poppy Seed
    For committing arson, Toast
    For committing auto theft, Caraway
    For being ill tempered, Sourdough
    For silliness, Nut Bread
    For not giving full value, Shortbread
    For jingoism, Yankee Doodles
    For excessive use of irony, Rye Bread
    For telling bad jokes, Corn Bread
    For hardening our hearts, Jelly doughnuts
    For being money hungry, Enriched B

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