Cute Jokes / Recent Jokes

what do prioners use to call each other?
cell phones

Your ugly!

little sammys parents were out for a week so they got sally to baby sit him.when she got sammy to bed her boyfriend came over. and they wanted to have sex but they didnt want to wake sammy up so they said code names like
they were making a sandwitch:
mayo=fuck me
meat=put your dick in farther
so they used those code names all night... when sammy woke up that mornig he said sally why is there mayo on the couch and i herd you making a sandwitch last night i want you to do the same! please

In recent months, we have heard the Japanese call the US workers lazy, greedy and illiterate. Those are fighting words to us, even if they may be true. The question is what to do about it. My basketball coach always told me to exploit the weakness of the opposition by using what (questionable) strengths I had. I think the US should do exactly that with Japan. The Japanese are world leaders in quality of goods and decades ahead of us in electronics like High Definition Television (HDTV). We will never be able to compete with them in these areas, so we must redefine the competition. I propose that the FCC mandate a new form of Television called Low Emission and Definition Television (LEAD-TV). Such TV sets would have lots of static interference, horrible resolution, be expensive, break very often, and would be hard and frustrating to watch. Exactly the type of TV sets that American industry and workers are already geared to produce! The Japanese, on the other hand, could not produce more...

hi i am cool

Man wanted for pleasuring himself on a park bench and helping him self to little children as they play while there mothers look a way just for a second. 10,000 dollar reward just kidding.

What do you call a robin in Los
Angeles? Robins Hood