Dirty Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    A very attractive lady goes up to a bar in a quiet rural pub. She gestures alluringly to the bartender who comes over immediately. When he arrives, she seductively signals that he should bring his face closer to hers. When he does, she begins to gently caress his full beard.

    "Are you the manager?" she asks, softly stroking his face with both hands. "Actually, no," the man replies.

    "Can you get him for me? I need to speak to him," she says, running her hands beyond his beard and into his hair.

    "Can't," breathes the bartender. "He's not here. Is there anything I can do?"

    "Yes, there is. I need you to give him a message," she continues, running her forefinger across the bartender's lips and slyly popping a couple of her fingers into his mouth and allowing him to suck them gently.

    "What should I tell him?" the bartender manages to say.

    "Tell him," she more...

    Dirty Rubix Riddle

    Hot 4 years ago

    Q: What is the similarity between a rubix cube and a dick?
    A: The more you play with them, the harder they get!

    Cucumber, Pickle & Penis

    Hot 4 years ago

    One day a cucumber, pickle and a penis were having a conversation.
    The Pickle says, "You know, my life really sucks. Whenever I get big fat and juicy they sprinkle seasonings on my and stick me in a jar.
    The Cucumber says, "Yeah, you think that's bad? Whenever I get big, fat and juicy, they slice me up and put me in a salad.
    The Penis says, "You think that your lives are tough? Whenever I get big, fat and juicy they throw a plastic bag over my head, shove me in a wet, dark, smelly room, and force me to do push-ups until I puke and pass out!

    AIDS or Alzheimer's?

    Hot 4 years ago

    A guy says to his friend, "I can't remember if the doctor told me my wife has AIDS or Alzheimer's."
    His friend says, "It's simple. Drive her to the other side of town. If she finds her way home, don't fuck her."

    A four-year-old boy asked his friend what a penis was. His friend's response was that he did not know and he would ask his dad.

    That evening the second boy asked his dad. His dad gladly exposed himself to his son and with his penis in hand said, "Son this is a penis. In fact, if you take a good look you will see this is a perfect penis."

    The next day the second five year old boy met the first five year old boy and called him behind a hedge.

    The boy exposed himself and said, "This is a penis. In fact, if it were three inches shorter it would be a perfect penis!"

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