Draculas Jokes / Recent Jokes

Which flavor ice cream is Draculas favorite? Vein-illa.

What is Draculas favorite pudding? Leeches and scream.

Where is Draculas American office? The Vampire State Building.

What is Draculas favorite fruit? Neck-tarines.

Three Draculas enter a Bar.
First Dracula: Can I have a Scotch and Blood Please?
Bartender: Ok
Second Dracula: I'll Have Vodka and Blood thanks! !
Bartender: Ok
Third Dracula: I'll Have half a glass of Hot Water
This remark astonishes the other two draculas as well as the
First Dracula: You Sissy! !! Can you have a proper drink? ??
Second Dracula: God You are a baby, Grow up
Third Dracula: Haven't you guys heard of Tampoon Teabags! !